Say Goodbye to Your Glasses & Contact Lenses!

Dedicated to the search & sharing of natural & non-invasive ways, means, methods, exercises & techniques to rebuild or correct one's vision using natural, "non-surgery", "non-laser", "non-lasik" approaches to achieve vision improvement to the stage whereby there is no need to depend on glasses or contact lenses anymore...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Better Check Your Eyes! ( Video Clip)

As I've promised, I now bring you this short video clip that carries a relevant message to those who have eyesight problems...enjoy!

Do remember to leave your comments below, if you have any.


Do also visit these sites as well:

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Giving your pair of eyes a treat!

For this short space of time, let's shift our focus to this short may think your eyes are playing tricks on you, but is it really so?

Touchscreen Computer Display Floats in Mid-Air

Well, just my way of giving your pair of eyes a special treat...hope to find more streaming videos relevant to this blog subject for posting here.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Clarification on my Blog's Focus!

To all my valued readers:

Just got some constructive feedback from a reader that my blog is showing some adverts on "eye laser surgery" & "lasik treatment", all of which goes out of line of my blog's original focus.

Guess what was my response when I heard that ???

Well....he is damn right!

A clarification I must make right set the record straight;

My blog's original intention & objective was to focus on providing & discussing "natural" or "non-evasive" ways or methods of improving one's deteriorated vision.

So it's a NO, NO to eye laser surgery or lasik treatment methods, & I will not ever allow or encourage adverts along that approach.

Now my challenge is how to word my blog content such that it will attract the right adsense advertisements & totally block out any ads that is not in sync with this blog's primary objective & focus.

You think it's possible? Well, if there's a will, there's a way!

Do visit these sites as well:-

Friday, June 02, 2006

Eye Exercises

In Dr Bates' book "The Cure of Imperfect Sight Without Glasses", he introduced 2 vision improvement techniques for eye relaxation & reducing eye strain.

The 2 methods are :
(2)Colour Days

For a start, let's just look at the "Palming" method.

Palming is the foundation for all Vision Improvement techniques - when you palm you give your eyes a chance to relax: there is nothing to see, nothing to try and see, and nothing to do!

He wrote the following statements in his description about the Palming method:

"All the methods used in the eradication of errors of refraction (improving vision) are simply different ways of obtaining relaxation..."

"... most people, though by no means all, find it easiest to relax with their eyes shut. This usually lessens the strain to see, and in such cases is followed by a temporary or more lasting improvement in vision....."

"..... But some light comes through the closed eyelids and a still greater degree of relaxation can be obtained in all but a few exceptional cases, by excluding it. This is done by covering the closed lids with the palms of the hands (the fingers being crossed upon the forehead) in such a way as to avoid pressure on the eyeballs. So efficacious is this practice, which I have called "palming", as a means of relieving strain, that we all instinctively respond to it at times, and from it most people are able to get a considerable degree of relaxation."

Now the real's the simple "Palming" procedure to follow :-

(1)Cover your closed eyes with your hands in such a way that there is no pressure on your eyeballs.
(2)The palms of your hands are slightly cupped over each eye (left over left and right over right), and usually the fingers are partly interlaced on your forehead. There should be no light, or as little as possible, allowed to enter the eye.
(3)Once you are palming, open your eyes and look around to see if you can adjust your hands in such a way as to exclude as much light as possible. Close your eyes.

Palming is supposed to be relaxing, but you may end up being tight in your hands and arms in order to exclude light. Don't overdo it, and if necessary compromise. The next time you palm you may find a better position for the hands. Palming in a darkened room can be useful.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Dr Bates' Theory

" Perfect Sight Without Glasses "...that's the bold statement that this website at is touting ( equally bold as this blog title of mine!).

From it's description on the homepage, the content in this website is taken from the book of the same title written by Dr William Horatio Bates (1860-1931), author of this book.

Chapter 1 started off with this headline "THE CURE OF IMPERFECT SIGHT BY TREATMENT WITHOUT GLASSES"...

However, it is not without justification, as they have committed 32 lenghty chapters to substantiating & supporting this statement , quoting findings & reasonings that's dated as far back as early nineteen century eg. 1905.

It is apparently centred around this fundamental principle :

Do you read imperfectly? Can you observe then that when you look at the first word, or the first letter, of a sentence you do not see best where you are looking; that you see other words, or other letters, just as well as or better than the one you are looking at? Do you observe also that the harder you try to see the worse you see?

Now close your eyes and rest them, remembering some color, like black or white, that you can remember perfectly. Keep them closed until they feel rested, or until the feeling of strain has been completely relieved. Now open them and look at the first word or letter of a sentence for a fraction of a second. If you have been able to relax, partially or completely, you will have a flash of improved or clear vision, and the area seen best will be smaller.

After opening the eyes for this fraction of a second, close them again quickly, still remembering the color, and keep them closed until they again feel rested. Then again open them for a fraction of a second. Continue this alternate resting of the eyes and flashing of the letters for a time, and you may soon find that you can keep your eyes open longer than a fraction of a second without losing the improved vision.

If your trouble is with distant instead of near vision, use the same method with distant letters.

In this way you can demonstrate for yourself the fundamental principle of the cure of imperfect sight by treatment without glasses.

( Taken from )

Who exactly was Dr Wiliam Horatio Bates?

Dr Bates was a respected American Ophthalmologist who practised mainly in New York and worked in a number of important teaching hospitals.

He noticed that the vision of many of his patients was extremely variable and realised that this meant it could be improved.

He later gave up his orthodox practice in order to devote his life to discovering, then showing others, how long sight, short sight and astigmatism could be prevented and improved in children and adults without the use of glasses.

What's your take on this...? Do post your comments here.